Inspections can certainly help you decide what items you need to negotiate for repairs or if you just need to run screaming away from the money pit as fast as you can. The State of Texas has Inspector Guidelines that are often not the adopted Building Code in the areas where the property is located and then the Inspectors must inspect them like they were built yesterday. Good Inspectors take the age of the house into consideration and advise you accordingly. We always insist our Buyers get home inspections on their future home, but inspections are not fool-proof and the inspectors themselves can only do so much!


  1. Electrical Problems – The inspector checks the breaker box for open slots and overheating breakers. They also check for grounding. They…

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We have just had another instance of showing a client a bunch of houses and showing them their final 2 choices 3 different times. They then turned around and bought a For Sale by Owner (FSBO) without us to “save” on commission. There are no words to describe how defeated we feel when this happens.

For Sale

No, we don’t force our buyers to sign a Buyer’s Representation Agreement with us before we show them houses, so some of you out there reading this might say we deserve this. But we don’t – and here is why.

>We are more than perky key holders who open doors to show you houses! We happen to have personal files (in our memory banks)  with the history of quite a few houses and certainly know a ton of the neighborhoods – their history, the trends, whether…

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We just received our Historic Tyler, Inc. newsletter and invitation to our first fund raising event for the year. We have the privilege of living in the Azalea District and love every second of living here. Yes, even when the limbs fall out of the towering oak trees and knock the power off for hours on end, and perhaps as past experience has shown, even days on end. And yes, even during the hours spent toiling in the flower beds so the visitors each spring can drive by and take photos. It takes a special kind of person to love a historic home. I classify clients into “old house” people and “new house” people. The “old house” people understand the uniqueness of an old home, the quirks, the functional obsolescence, the never ending maintenance, and the…

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